best days.

Maybe we have finally fallen into the groove of winter weekends. Not really sure where this one even went! Just kind of meandering along, enjoying ourselves, and each other. No cares, just relaxing and trying to keep warm. Then all of a sudden, it's Monday again, and we are back at it. No more sleeping in, wearing pajamas all day, big family meals or leaving the hide-a-bed out all day just because. Nope, gotta wait five whole days to get our fix again! So cheers, to a speedy and pleasant work week, and a fantastic weekend to come!

1 >> the boys roast a chicken.  look for their first vlog tomorrow.
2 >> aftermath of blueberry pop tarts.
3 >> cake on top of the teepee.
4 >> art makin'.
5 >> f and  a clue from the book of spyology.
6 >> a boy and his dogs.
