
 As you may have noticed, things have been pretty quiet around here.  We are working really hard on a new project.  A real, proper, tangible space to call our own. We have decided to focus our energy more on that for the time being, and only commit to one blog post a week.  It makes us a bit sad, but sometimes to make way for progress, their must be sacrifice.

It could be argued, that we are capable of balancing both, the blog, as well as the beginnings of a physical space. But really, that isn't good for anyone. We really don't believe in half assing things, and that's exactly what it would be. Our time would be better served by pushing forward towards the space, which until now, had only been a pipe dream. Not to mention, there are a couple of boys who would much rather we hang out with them, than spend even one more minute waiting for better light. And as much as we like you all, they are about 1,000,000 times cooler.

So, that's our update. We really hope you will stick around for new weekly recipes (and perhaps, some wayward ramblings), and also keep checking back as things continue to unfold during this exciting time. In the meantime, should you need us. This is where we'll be.
